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Room Temperature Yoga

Room temperature: low-to-mid 70’s

Basic Stretching for Flexibility

Instructor: Tony Ranieri

This is a great class for ALL LEVELS and all genders. It is perfect for those that may have a tight back or want to increase basic flexibility for activities such as golf, pickleball or just every day living.

No flexibility required! All ages and genders can benefit from this class where basic postures are held for 15-20 seconds for a nice slow stretch.

Restorative Yin Yoga

Instructor: Linda Kuzmkowski

A mixed bag of Yin and restorative yoga with a little chakra chit chat.

This class is a simple series of asanas held for longer periods of time meant to stimulate the channels of the subtle body. The poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues—tendons, fasciae, and ligaments aiming to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility.

This class is a more meditative approach to yoga, promoting an awareness of inner silence.

Moving Mindfully

Instructor: Lindsay Hirshberg

A class that allows you to discover strength, flexibility, and balance. Appropriate for all levels.

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